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Bridal Lashes


Are you preparing for your big day as a beautiful bride? Well let the lash stylists at Carolina Eye Candy help you go mascara-free on your big day with Bridal Lashes, so you may shed tears of joy worry-free!  Getting married to the love of her life, starting a new chapter, leaving behind a host of memories, being the center of attention, endowed with a host of new responsibilities, and a jittery excitement of what married life,.

Are you a vintage bride? Modern bride?  Rock-star bride? We can create the lash look that you desire, something mascara simply cannot do. Your hair will be styled, your nails done, and your makeup will be flawless. Don’t forget to have your lashes styled as well! It will complete your bridal look and have you in love with your wedding pictures as much as you love your spouse. Bridal lashes at Carolina Eye Candy is the perfect investment for your wedding day!

They are longer lasting and more natural-looking, which makes them ideal for that “just married” look. Speaking of lashes, you should absolutely consider having your makeup artist apply them on the wedding day. Even if your natural eyelashes are full and luscious (lucky you!), extra lashes will make all the difference. Your eyes will pop in photos, which is especially important if you wear glasses. 

She may shine in red, have a glow in white. Gained earthly beauty in green, but she will stun you with a smile that fades everything behind.”

We look forward to seeing you soon to glam your eyes with Bridal Lashes for your wedding day!


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